During the coldest periods of winter, your furnace might have to run so often that it seems continuous, and that can amount to some serious hours of operation over the course of an entire season. Of course, furnaces are built to withstand this kind of wear and tear, but it will still take a toll eventually. The mere fact that there are so many moving parts in a furnace dictates that a great deal of friction and heat will occur, and that always leads to greater wear. This is why we always recommend to hire our furnace repair near Mississauga professionals to look into your furnace on time and take care of things before they get worst.
Most of the time, we don’t think about the operation of our furnaces, but when the wear and tear finally adds up and causes a breakdown, that’s when it suddenly becomes a major issue. In terms of the specific causes for those breakdowns, any number of things might be responsible, but some of the most common problems are those described below.
Our Furnace installation technicians has setup Furnace Heating units near Park Royal, Applewood Heights, Dixie, WestWood, Mount Charles, and Britannia in Mississauga Ontario. Contact our team at Topcare Hvac in Mississauga Ontario to learn more about New Furnace Units.
When you can tell that your furnace is firing up like normal, but that it’s not blowing as hard as it usually does, or that the air it’s circulating doesn’t seem as warm, it could very well be a dirty air filter that’s causing the problem. In order for your furnace to work properly, it must take in a volume of air so it can be heated and distributed throughout the home.
That incoming air might well be loaded down with dirt, debris, dust, and even hair, and all that material gets passed through the air filter before the furnace uses it. Much of the gunk that circulates through your household will thus get trapped in the air filter of your furnace, and when that accumulates to the point where it blocks the filter, it can seriously impede the circulation of your furnace. At the very least, you can expect degraded performance when this happens, and it might stop the heating process in your home altogether.
Along with clogged filters, a malfunctioning thermostat is one of the most common problems affecting the heating process of your furnace. In some cases, it’s simply a matter of having dead batteries, and when your thermostat lacks the power to operate correctly, it cannot control the heating cycle of your furnace.
To avoid this problem altogether, it would be good idea to change the batteries of your thermostat at the beginning of every winter season. If the batteries are functioning normally and you can still see digital readouts, there might still be a problem with the thermostat. To check this, set the temperature about 10° above normal on the thermostat, and observe whether or not the furnace is able to increase the temperature of the room.
If you suspect that you may have a problem with your ductwork or the vents in each room where warm air gets distributed, there is a simple way to check this. Walk through each of the rooms in your household to see if there are any differences in temperature between them. If you notice that some are colder than others, there may either be a problem with the ductwork leading to that room, or the vent itself may be closed. Take a close look at the vent to make sure that it is fully open and capable of dispensing warm air into the room. If the vent is open and the room is still cold, you may have a problem with the ductwork leading into that room.
When the condensate pump on your furnace isn’t working properly, it’s possible that it might need to be cleaned, and if that doesn’t help, it will probably have to be replaced. If you suspect that the condensate pope may be causing a problem, you should immediately shut down the furnace, because it won’t be able to operate correctly without the condensate pump.
Once the furnace has been shut off, check the pump to make sure that the float hasn’t gotten stuck. Thoroughly clean the condensate pump and the float, and then you can try turning the furnace on again to see if normal operation resumes. If not, you’ll probably have to call a professional to come in and deal with the issue.
This is a fairly easy problem to detect, because you’ll notice water coming out of your furnace, and probably pooling on the floor below. The reason you might have a water leak would be a possible clogged drainage system internally, or there might be plumbing leaks, humidifier leaks, or condensation leaks. This will not be something you can correct on your own, so you’ll have to call a furnace technician, and in the meantime you should shut the furnace off.
When your heater fan is not working, there is still a possibility that it might not be the fan itself, but the issue could be caused by the thermostat or the motor. That means you need to check out the thermostat before proceeding, and then you’ll also need to eyeball the motor to see if there are any obvious problems with it. If not, then the heater fan may indeed be the issue, and you’ll probably have to call an HVAC specialist to come and repair your furnace.
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