If you’re wondering how long time would it take in repairing a furnace, this discussion will give you some idea so you can plan for it if the need arises. Below, you’ll find information on how long it should take for all furnace operations, including normal maintenance, any kind of repair work, and a complete installation of a new furnace. When it comes to fixing furnace in Mississauga, our team always make sure to let our customers know the time they would need to get their furnace operating again. Some service calls take longer than other due to how difficult it is for them to have proper access to the furnace.
If you live in the same house long enough, you should eventually have to undergo all three of these situations, so it’s good to know what to expect. Keep in mind that all estimates are ballpark figures, and the actual time necessary for any one of these operations will undoubtedly be at least somewhat different in your case.
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There are quite a few things covered in a furnace tune-up or a scheduled regular maintenance. In fact, every aspect of your furnace’s operation will be evaluated during one of these sessions, so as to make sure the unit is ready to take on another season of heating your household. First your blower will need to be cleaned, because the fan can often get clogged with debris and dust during normal operation. Cleaning the blower will restore good circulation during the heating cycle.
Your air filters will be changed during this maintenance phase, and in truth they should be changed every three months, which means at least once more during winter. If your filter becomes clogged, it can make your furnace work much harder. The heat exchanger will be inspected to make sure that it’s not cracked, because if it is, it’s very possible for toxic gases to be leaked out into the living space.
The ductwork and the vents will be checked to make sure that there are no obstructions, and that air can be freely circulated to every room in your household. The burners will then be checked to ensure that they are burning efficiently and have no issues. Finally, the thermostat will be checked to make sure that it’s functioning normally and that it’s properly controlling all operations on your furnace.
Assuming that no major issues are found during this maintenance and inspection period, the entire process will be completed in less than two hours.
The obvious answer to this question is – it depends on what the problem is. Here are the most commonly occurring problems with modern furnaces, and an estimate of how long it will usually take to correct the issue.
Dirty filters
– filters can either be cleaned or replaced altogether, in either case in less than an hour.Electric ignition or pilot light problem
– if the pilot light needs to be re-lit, just a few minutes. If the electric ignition system has an issue, it will take an hour or more to fix or replace.Malfunctioning thermostat
– replacing a thermostat is a quick operation, usually do-able in less than one hour.No heat at all
– This might take 30 minutes, or it might take two hours, depending on the actual problem.Not enough heat
– Same as above.Frequent cycling
– Furnace may be improperly sized for household, or the furnace may be reaching a higher than normal internal temperature, possibly because of clogged air filters. This would be a quick fix.Blower runs continuously
– This might happen if your thermostat is not set to Auto, or it might happen if there’s a short circuit in your thermostat. A technician will check the fan, the thermostat and the air temperature before proceeding. If there’s a short, that might take an hour to correct.Furnace is too noisy
– a number of things could cause this, such as the fan bearings being worn out, a broken blower wheel, a broken motor mount, etc. The time needed to fix any of these might be an hour or two.
Almost any new furnace can be installed in a single day, and the actual time necessary for complete installation will generally run between four hours and 10 hours. The reason there such a huge variance of time for installation, is that there are several factors which can either complicate the process or make it simpler.
The first of these is the size of the unit being installed, since it will always take more time to install a larger unit, as opposed to the more compact furnaces which are used to heat smaller households. If it’s necessary to heat a very large home, you will most likely need a larger furnace, and that will take a couple hours extra during installation.
Another factor which might complicate the installation of your furnace is the condition of the ductwork throughout your household. If all the ducts are fine and there are no obstructions and no leakages, then nothing need be done with the ducts at all. On the other hand, if leaks are identified in any part of the ductwork, it may be necessary to reinstall at least part of the ductwork in your home.
One other factor which may add installation time to the procedure is the setting where the furnace is to be installed. If it’s in an easily accessible area which is wide open, this can probably be done fairly quickly, but in a more confined area a degree of difficulty may be added, and that will stretch out the install time.
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