
For Residential and Commercial

We at Topcare Hvac of Milton Ontario are serious about our reputation as the best furnace maintenance service providers in Milton and its surrounding areas. That’s why we carefully consider the heating and cooling maintenance plans that we offer you.

Our furnace repair service in Milton is a hassle-free service where reliable technicians do energy-efficient installation, inspection, and repair services for maximum home comfort in Old Milton, Beaty, Bronte Meadows, Bowes, Cobden, Clarke, Coates, Dempsey, Dorset Park, Fallingbrook, Ford, Forrest Grove, Harrison, Milton Heights, Mountainview, Scott, Timberlea, Valleyview, Walker, Willmott, and the surrounding regions. We always try to offer same day emergency service when your furnace stops working. With our furnace maintenance plan, you will be able to avoid your furnace from breaking often and we help it to last longer. We have many flexible payment options so do ask in regards to that for your maintenance plan.


Regular furnace assembly maintenance performed by our trained HVAC professionals and committed experts can go a long way in preventing a costly furnace repair.

Our heating/air conditioning maintenance quality of service and reliable furnace installation in Milton will help your heating system perform to your satisfaction.

Everything, including diagnostic checks for cooling and heating comfort, inspections for peak efficiency/common furnace issues, and other free and additional services are all geared towards providing the right solution to your problem and helping you avoid costly repair bills on heating and cooling equipment.

Schedule an appointment or call for our HVAC and water heater services. Our technicians have years of experience to guarantee the right solution for your furnace and will offer you proper maintenance plans to avoid minor issues which sometimes can be costly due to extra charge on other repairs.

We have earned the trust and respect of our customers with our high rating and positive reviews. Check and ask for our other services which can ensure you get the best home comfort during all seasons. Trust us when you need committed and licensed experts to care for, install, or resolve a furnace problem in your area.

An outstanding service can extends life of your heating equipment. Our company believes in offering valuable and different maintenance plans for air conditioner and heat systems in Milton. We guarantee the best emergency service on tankless water heaters and HVAC Systems in Milton, Ontario.



As a locally owned and operated maintenance service provider in Milton, our team of professional certified technicians complete hours of furnace repair work without hassles.

The air conditioning mechanism of the furnace is complex, and Ontario homeowners are often surprised when it just does not come on fast or perform as it should.

Regular heating and cooling tune-ups on air conditioners and heating systems not only help you save money on your monthly electricity bills but also extend the life of the furnace.

You don’t have to maintain a failing furnace or make payment for a new energy efficient one in an emergency.

A friendly expert service team awaits you with great offers on furnaces – both new and old heating systems. Get the best experience, flexible payment plans, and furnace protection plans without any loopholes.

There’s no point in waiting for a minor burner problem or a more serious carbon monoxide gas leakage to ensure your safety. Contact us. We are an accredited business with years of experience.




Expert technicians will tell you that your heating and air conditioning system must be serviced at least once a year in Milton. Regular maintenance ensures the proper functioning of your furnace and for you to get more reliable heating when needed.

Many heating companies and manufacturers recommend yearly inspection and maintenance by a certified technician. The ideal time to complete home heating maintenance is before winter sets in.


Some homeowners like to keep a maintenance checklist that helps them complete routine furnace maintenance tasks. This comprehensive maintenance checklist will help you lower your maintenance costs, avoid repair, and reduce heat loss today.

  1. Get your thermostat calibrated by a professional HVAC technician in Milton to avoid overspending on energy monthly bills.
  2. Make sure your furnace’s burner is clean and adjusted for maximum energy efficiency.
  3. Ensure that air duct systems don’t leak warm air from the furnace or cold air from your residential air conditioner into a crawl space or the attic.
  4. Use a wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner to keep the area around your furnace and air conditioner free from dirt and dust.
  5. Change your furnace filters on schedule. Phone us. Our job is to service furnaces regularly.
  6. Get your detectors checked every six months.
  7. Get the pilot light or electric ignition checked. Customers call us to replace faulty furnace unit components.
  8. Look for signs of breakdown like unusual smells and sounds. Call for HVAC services immediately.
  9. Get your chimney and flue cleaned.
  10. Make sure safety features in your installation are working to ensure maximum home comfort and safety.
  11. Take an early season appointment with our maintenance company for the inspection, protection, and lubrication of your furnace’s moving parts.

Call us for fast home heating and air conditioner services in Milton. Avoid costly HVAC repairs on your new Burlington or Milton installation.



Use a programmable thermostat unit that allows you to lower the temperature by about 7° to 10° Fahrenheit for about eight hours every day. This will help you to save 10% on your monthly service costs in Burlington and other areas.

Turn the heating temperature down at day time or when you are not at home. This will help you save a significant amount of money on your utility bills.


Homeowners are required to fulfil certain terms listed within furnished warranties to avoid invalidating coverage. Specifics may differ, but most warranties include common requirements like:

A licensed HVAC contractor must be hired for the installation, repairs, and maintenance of your furnace. Our company offers you free advice on a new furnace and the best home comfort and water heater safety solutions in Milton.

OEM spare parts must be used as component replacements to fulfil a brand’s warranty terms. Trying to save money on free or cheap OEM replacements can lead to an invalid warranty.

Tuneups at regular intervals by a licensed HVAC contractor not just guarantees your furnace’s performance but also helps validate maintenance tuneup terms listed in the warranty coverage.


Routine checks, inspection and adjustment of furnace components takes place during annual heating maintenance. Our certified HVAC technician makes sure dirt that leads to a premature heating system failure is removed.

Slight adjustments can always be made to the heating system before it reaches the required cooling temperatures. This basic routine will help you increase your home comfort, generate more or less heat, and produce hot water when required even with varying outside temperatures.

Topcare Hvac of Milton Ontario offers you a lucrative customer package deal in preparation for winter that includes a comprehensive heating system inspection, leakage checks, and plumbing services.

We are a locally owned & operated furnace maintenance services provider in Milton. Our customer service monitors a team of trained HVAC professionals with sound background checks.


  • There are some maintenance tasks that our customers can complete, while other maintenance checks must be performed by professional technicians.
  • Cleaning the area around the furnace is important. Check for gas and water leakages from the furnace.
  • Clean or replace the filter in your gas furnace. Trapped debris, dust, and dirt can cause a malfunction in the gas furnace.
  • Clean the blower, belts, and pulleys of your blower assembly.
  • Clean air ducts with a high-powered vacuum cleaner and then insulate these ducts to prevent air leakages.
  • Free the gas furnace venting system from debris and dust.
  • A thorough inspection of the gas furnace and its moving parts must be performed by a professional technician who can disassemble the furnace and remove hidden dust and dirt from the fan components.


The annual service plan reduces the cost of individual home visits for routine maintenance of heating and cooling equipment.

For example, a one-time checkup on your furnace is likely to cost around $140+.

An ongoing annual maintenance plan costs around $180 for furnace and air conditioner maintenance, which includes a yearly visit by a certified technician.

Call Topcare Hvac of Milton Ontario today for the best protection plan. It’s the right time for valuable rebates, if you live in Milton or its surrounding area.


A discolored filter is usually covered with hair and dust. Replace this filter.

Otherwise, the pressure heat pump delivers harmful particles mingled with heated air.


A professional technician schedules a furnace tuneup before the winter session starts, which can include a replacement of a 1-inch filter. This helps prevent operational glitches and boosts the efficiency of the furnace.

Regular maintenance takes place once a year usually during fall or in spring.

This annual maintenance includes a thorough examination and cleaning of the furnace’s movable parts and components such as the pilot light, heat exchanger, fan, and the air filter.


A simple rule is to replace filters once every 2 to 3 months and to get your furnace cleaned at least once a year. The ideal time to get a gas furnace cleaned is during summer when you hardly need warm air to circulate through your home or during fall session just before the start of winter.


It takes a professional technician 1 to 2 hours to thoroughly clean the furnace. Extra time is allotted for larger homes and if the furnace demands further tuneups to avoid costly repairs.

For example, a further tuneup and inspection of the heat exchanger may be needed when blocks or cracks delay the cleaning process.


Ducts and connected cooling and heating equipment must be cleaned every 2 to 3 years.  Experts suggest preventive maintenance to avoid potential health problems due to the flow of impure air.

Quality service is needed in homes where there are pets or if children and older family members suffer from allergies. Save money when you do a heating/air conditioning tune-up in summer.

Your maintenance and repair business is important to us. Contact or phone us to install the best quality systems in the industry. Call us to experience the best HVAC air conditioning installation, maintenance, and repair service in Milton and its surrounding areas.


What is a Gas Furnace?

The boiler or furnace is a mechanism to produce heat required by a central heating system. The furnace and/or boiler is an integral part of the heating and cooling system without which it wouldn’t be much of a heating system. Our air conditioning contractor can replace any fireplace design with this system in Milton Ontario.

Your furnace is a safety system that can keep your home at the perfect temperature for you all year round. It also runs on natural gas or electricity, so it’s eco-friendly too!

Furnaces has been around since 1853 and provides heating to homes across America today. In addition to keeping us warm in cold weather in winter months, furnaces are one of the most important features of our houses because they make sure we are never uncomfortable indoors during winter months thanks to their thermostat regulating systems which control how much heat flows through vents into different parts of our house where people spend time like living rooms and bedrooms.


Gas furnace systems will use either propane or natural gas as a fuel that will generate heat. Gas furnace installation in Milton is simplified because this type of heating tends to be very useful and efficient.

The furnaces use heat exchangers, which are metal boxes that contain a pilot light that connects to the source of the fuel. Newer models commonly used today will have automatic ignition. It’s connected to a thermostat, which allows you to raise or lower the temperature, as needed. The heat can be forced through the ductwork into different parts of the house, providing the warmth that you require in various areas.

How Do I Reset My Furnace?

There are a few steps to reset a furnace with a pilot light. You will need to verify that the pilot light is out. It might also require that you remove a cover panel to get a look inside. If it is out, you will turn down the thermostat to the lowest setting and then turn off the power to the furnace at the circuit breaker. Turn off the main gas supply that leads to your furnace but leave the pilot gas supply on.

Before resetting, you will want to let the air clear of gas for at least five minutes. After the gas has cleared, you will then take a long barbecue lighter and relight the pilot light if you have an older model that has a traditional pilot light. Once it is lit on, you can then turn on the power and then the main gas supply. Find the reset button and then press and hold it for 30 seconds. Then, you can adjust the thermostat to the temperature you want, which will start the furnace.

If you have a newer model gas furnace that doesn’t have a traditional pilot light, you can flip the furnace breaker back on and then turn on the furnace. It will start the igniter.


HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. HVAC includes products like air conditioners, heating system, thermostats, heat pumps, and ductwork in the cooling and heating system. Contact our licensed installation teams if you have more questions.


Heat produced by a gas system is typically hotter than that produced by different electric furnace styles. This gas heating is ideal for the colder climates of Milton city. It is more efficient, and requires less job maintenance and repairs.


An effective furnace reduces yearly bills and repair costs. Almost every residential and commercial HVAC brand sold in Canada releases a model with an efficient AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating of 96% at the minimum. It’s very likely you’ll get a quote for an air conditioner and furnace emergency service that saves you money.


The ENERGY STAR most efficient 2021 designation is what makes the best central furnace system that carries the ENERGY STAR. This heating system offers the best home air quality and safety while consuming the least amount of energy, which is regulated by their EPA recommended application, thermostat, and controller.

Call our local heating technicians in Milton as we offer different high cost-saving AFUE rating quotes. The most effective Celsius heating system in the market typically uses 99% of the fuel that it consumes.

You need a better buyer budget for a two-stage or variable speed modulating furnace that provides quieter comfort, reliable temperature settings, and better cost savings.

Check out reviews from customers about our professional HVAC services and warranties. We are one of the leading new furnace setup contractors in Milton Ontario.


Your choice of HVAC service is every bit as important as the model and brand you choose. Call our company customer service to get free advice on how to make smart and informed decisions, reliable workmanship, dependable ongoing support, quality installation, and expert service.


There are many factors that cause furnace issues including its size. Our licensed furnace technicians carry out a professional installation backed by annual hassle-free maintenance service. Our company answers all your furnace FAQs and offers a timely repair service when the need arises.

Certified technicians with many years of experience carry out inspection and offer professional local HVAC deals and services in the Milton area. Our expert air conditioning systems mechanic and certified local contractors carry out an accurate assessment of installation services at your home.

They’ll guide you on how to choose a home heating and cooling system. You’ll get heat pumps from trusted brands with the right BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating for any CEE tier. The right size for your home will result in high natural gas furnace effectiveness, irrespective of the brand you choose.

Give us a call or contact our experienced heating and cooling staff in Milton for free quotes compiled by one of our heating & cooling experts. Make an appointment to contact our qualified plumbing and HVAC experts. With our company in Milton, we guarantee you’ll avoid higher heating costs with lower payment costs and unit charges, future servicing by a qualified technician, and warranty coverage.


A variable speed two-stage gas furnace learns to adapt to your home and the outside weather.

Devices like smart thermostats work only with low voltage 24v HVAC high-efficiency systems, so it’s important that your HVAC and air conditioner services are compatible with the thermostat certification you get for new furnace installations.


BTUs are a measurement of the amount of heat energy needed to raise one pound (lb) or liter (.25 kg) water from 60˚F/16.7˚C to 212°F/100 ̊ C, and all living things need BTU for their bodily functions – it is vital in maintaining our body temperature at 98-99 degrees Fahrenheit.

The acronym BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, which measures how much heating power you need if your goal was raising 1 lb./0.5kg of cool water by 180 ° F / 82 °C so that its equilibrated with room air’s average temp; this process will require about 100 Btu’s worth!


The ideal time to install a new furnace model for Milton residents is around spring, summer and fall.

If you get the entire HVAC system then you get better air conditioning system warranty benefits and discounted prices on your new heating & cooling system and tune-ups, thanks to the pleasant temperature you experience in fall and spring.


You can expect to pay $500 to $2000 or more Canadian dollars for an ultra-high-efficiency heating system with 97% to 98.7% AFUE rating range.

The Canadian federal government has mandated that any new unit must have at least a 92% AFUE furnace efficiency rating.

Canadians prefer to buy at least a 92% AFUE furnace, but if you can extend your budget a little bit, it’s best to make contact our Topcare Hvac of Milton Ontario team as we are reputable local dealers and local HVAC providers to get free quotes & estimates for a 95% or 96% AFUE ENERGY STAR model.

That way you qualify for a protection plan at different levels and get price rebates with maximum Milton home comfort.


You’ll know when there are more signs like burning sensation in the eyes or nose, headaches, flu-like symptoms, disorientation, and nausea.

Get the Air out of your office or house, whenever you experience any of these symptoms. You can do this by opening a window in the furnace room. Then call our reliable heating and cooling service crews for your peace of mind knowing that you’ll get quick emergency service for furnace repair and home heating.

Also look for other signs like:

  • Rising heating system bills
  • High humidity level problems
  • Frequent HVAC and furnace repairs
  • Excess accumulation of dirt, dust, rust, and soot particles
  • Unusual noises like rattles, hums, and buzzes from the furnace
  • Cracks that begin to appear around the cooling and furnace system


Tips to follow include regular maintenance.

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors to avoid gas leakages due to costly handling mistakes
  • Ensure cleanliness and a minimum clearing or free space of at least 3 feet around the furnace
  • Prevent kids from entering the furnace maintenance room
  • Call our professional local HVAC customers service or furnace installation contractors
  • Do duct and vents cleaning & servicing and keep these AC ducts covered
  • Ensure the HVAC air cleaner filter is clean


Simultaneous air conditioner and furnace replacements are always preferred for the best home comfort.


New air conditioning units in most cases have increased efficiency with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating of over 16. The effectiveness of the HVAC system will suffer when the furnace is older than 15 years or more.


When you replace one piece of a larger system, the newer piece of equipment is unlikely to reach its full performance level. This is because the furnace and air conditioning systems work in tandem to ensure optimum home comfort, save electricity, and achieve high levels of effectiveness for your home in Milton Ontario.


You are likely to get free offers, lucrative discounts, and service and repair deals when you decide to upgrade both your heating system and air-conditioners.

Our certified local HVAC contractors and technicians will offer you a lower installation pricing and total satisfaction on furnace installations at location.

Save money with cheaper labor service on your heat exchanger installation when you install both pieces of equipment together.


The life of a well-maintained residential heating system or furnace is around 15 to 20 years. There are many factors to consider when trying to figure out how long a furnace will last. The most important factor is the quality of equipment, as well as whether or not it has been maintained properly. If you buy an older model that hasn’t had any upkeep over its lifetime, then there’s no telling how much longer it’ll run for before breaking down completely and needing replacement parts.

How much is a New Furnace for a 2,000 Square Foot Home in Milton, Ontario?

The cost of a furnace to heat a 2,000 square foot home will vary based on the brand of heater that you choose. However, the price tends to fall between $2,500 and $5,000, including installation. A mid-tier furnace, such as American Standard, will cost $3,000 and up, while a premium-tier the furnace from Lennox would cost $3,400 and up.


Many people have to make a tough call when it comes time for a new furnace. Do I want one that is cheaper but will break down more often? Or do I need something better, such as the two-stage model or even an energy star rated machine?

Two-stage units offer cost benefits, even though they cost more upfront. The two-stage service is better than the one-stage service, as it releases less fuel into the heat exchanger whenever temp settings in your home heating and cooling system are moderate.


Yes, opting for a 95% or 96% AFUE ENERGY STAR model entitles you for company rebates and promotions in your Milton home.

Opting for the $5000 Canada Greener Homes Grant Program

The Canadian federal government launched its Canada Greener Homes Grants Program on May 27, 2021. Canadians are entitled to a maximum of $5000 under this rebate program for upgrades and home renovations they undertake to increase efficiency.

Homeowners can also request $600 for cost incurred before and after home furnace and air conditioning evaluations on top of this $5000 rebate.

Call our company professionals for free heating and cooling quotes, outstanding service satisfaction, affordable financing options, and premium investment rebates in Milton, Ontario.

How Do You Troubleshoot a Gas Furnace?

If you are having issues with your gas furnace, it does not automatically mean that you will need a brand new Milton furnace installation or even a professional repair. Instead, you will want to troubleshoot the furnace to see what the problem might be. In some cases, you can fix it on your own.

You will want to check all of the furnace settings to make sure they are correct and that the furnace is on. Check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. If it has, then the furnace will not start. You can also replace the air filter, which can help to improve efficiency and performance.

What Does a 2-Stage Furnace Mean?

A 2-stage furnace will have two different heat settings. It will have a low and high setting. One of the main benefits of choosing a 2-stage furnace rather than a single-stage is that you have more control over the heat. It can run at the lower setting during milder days, but when the cold Ontario winters take hold, it will be able to run at the higher setting to ensure warmth throughout the house.

Is a 2-Stage Furnace Repair worth the Money?

2-stage furnaces can heat the home more evenly and remove cold spots. It will run more often and increase the filtration in the house. Given the ability to have more control over the heating settings, most homeowners will find that the added coast of the 2-stage furnace is well worth it.

Is a 2-Stage or a Single-Stage Furnace Better for You in Milton, Ontario?

Ultimately, it will depend on your personal needs. Because Milton, Ontario is a colder climate, choosing an energy-efficient 2-stage system makes more sense. Although it costs more upfront, it can provide a higher level of comfort, as well as lower energy costs

How Long Will a New Furnace Last?

The lifespan of a new furnace can vary greatly. The average lifespan of most gas furnaces will be between 15 and 30 years. However, it is always important to properly maintain the furnace and to have them checked at least once a year by a professional to make sure they are still in good working condition. Having a gas furnace check will generally only take an hour or two, but it can depend on the state of the furnace, it’s location and other factors. If the technician finds any issues, they can let you know what you will need to have done for your Milton furnace repair.

As the gas furnace starts to age, it might not be as efficient as it once was, which could mean you will need a new Milton furnace installation to replace your old furnace. Again, this will typically happen somewhere between 15 and 30 years.

What is the Best Furnace to Buy in Canada?

There are many brands of furnace available in Canada, including both single-stage and 2-stage varieties. Different brands and different models will have different costs associated with them. The size of the furnace can also affect the price. Some of the best brands include Amana, American Standard, Carrier, and Lennox.

When It Comes to BTU, What Does It Mean?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, and it is a measurement of thermal energy. A single BTU is the amount of energy that it takes to raise the temperature of a pound of water by a single degree Fahrenheit. When it comes to a gas furnace, it refers to the amount of heat output that a furnace has.

What BTU is needed for what size of Homes?

The number of BTUs your furnace needs to be will depend on the size of the house that you have. A good rule of thumb is to multiply 40 BTUs by your square footage. This can give you an idea of the furnace you will need.

For example, if you were to have a new furnace installation in Milton, Ontario, for a home that is 2,000 square feet, you would need to have a furnace that can provide between around 80,000 BTUs. For a home that is 1,200 square feet, you would need a furnace offering between 48,000 and 50,000 BTUs.

How Long Does a Furnace Repair Check Takes?

A furnace check should generally take between one and two hours. The technician will do a thorough job to ensure that everything is working correctly and to let you know if any issues need to be addressed.

How Often Should a Furnace Be Replaced or Repaired?

If the furnace has been properly maintained, and you have changed out the filter every two or three months, you will find that it should not need to be replaced for at least 15 to 20 years. However, if you notice any issues with your furnace earlier than that, you will want to talk with the professionals for furnace restoration service. It might be a severe problem that will require a new Milton furnace installation. However, it might only need maintenance. If it gets to the point where you have to make regular furnace repairs, it might be a better idea to choose a new furnace.

How Long Can You Expect a Repaired Furnace to Last?

When you choose a high-quality furnace, you should expect it to last for at least 15 to 20 years with good maintenance. However, there are many factors that can change the life expectancy of the furnace, such as how well it has been maintained.

Can You Replace Your own Furnace?

While many people like the idea of doing as much work around the house as they can, they should take a step back when it comes to furnace installation in Milton. Proper installation and even furnace repair in Milton can be complicated, and it is best left to the professionals.


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